Medical Discovery NewsBridging the World of Medical Discovery and You

Recent Episodes

  • paint palette

    Painting Could Be Risky

    Episode 946 Release 217

    When chemists analyzed the paint used in a masterpiece painting from four centuries ago, they found a list of toxic ingredients. The massive masterpiece displayed at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is The Night Watch which measures 12 by 15 feet.

  • images of brain MRI scans

    Brain Scanning Shows That Gender and Sex Are Different

    Episode 945 Release 217

    Even though as a society, we debate how to treat a person's sex and gender, research suggests the two use distinct communication networks in the brain. Sex divides us into male and female groups based on our biology such as sex organs and genetics. Gender though is based on culture and society.

  • mosquito biting human

    Not Another One

    Episode 944 Release 217

    Most likely, you've never heard of the sloth virus. It's also called the Oropouche Virus, and more than 20 cases were recently found for the first time in the US.

  • boy sitting on a dock near water

    Are Mental Diseases Transmissible

    Episode 943 Release 217

    A new study suggests that some mental illnesses may be transmissible among adolescents. The study showed that teens who have classmates with a mental disorder face a greater risk for developing one as they age. This includes substance abuse, eating, anxiety, mood, and emotional disorders.

  • plate of cooked vegetables

    Does a Vegan Diet Slow Biological Aging?

    Episode 941 Release 216

    It's hard not to cringe about this episode after I just ate brisket at my favorite BBQ joint. Could that be because we're about to talk about how vegan diets are better for you? That even eating a limited vegan diet can reduce your biological age.


Medicine is constantly advancing – that is a great thing about life in the 21st century. But it doesn’t just happen. Dedicated biomedical scientists are making discoveries that translate into those new medical advances.

Biomedical science is broad, encompassing everything from social science to microbiology, biochemistry, epidemiology, to structural biology and bioinformatics to name just a few areas. And, it can involve basic fundamental biology, the use of AI and chemistry to clinical studies that evaluate new medicines in patients.

No matter the research focus, the goal is always the same, to advance human health. It may take a few months, a few years or for fundamental science, a few decades. Few people make the connection that biomedical science is medicine and that biomedical scientists are working today on the medicine of tomorrow. Our weekly 500-word newspaper columns and 2-minute radio shows and podcasts provide insights into a broad range of biomedical science topics.

Medical Discovery News is dedicated to explaining discoveries in biomedical research and their promise for the future of medicine.


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The web site and Medical Discovery News radio program (Program) are made possible by The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB)as a community service and are intended to advance UTMB's mission of providing scholarly teaching, innovative scientific investigation, and state-of-the-art patient care in a learning environment to better the health of society and its commitment to the discovery of new innovative biomedical and health services knowledge leading to increasingly effective and accessible health care for the citizens of Texas.

All information provided on the web site and in the Program is for informational purposes only and is not intended for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional. Any information obtained by participating as a web site visitor or program listener is not intended to and should not be considered to constitute medical advice.

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Please contact Dr. David Niesel or Dr. Norbert Herzog via email with any concerns, suggestions or comments.

All rights are reserved to information provided on the website or other information sources. No part of these programs can be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transcribed in any form or by any means for personal or financial gained without the express written permission of Drs. Niesel and Dr. Herzog.