Recent Episodes
Where Your Morning Joe Comes From
If you're a coffee fan, this will wake you up: Without diversifying the arabica coffee plant, its market dominance might be at risk. Annual coffee production is about 10 million metric tons and is one of the world's top traded commodities.
The Skin Microbiome as a Mosquito Deterent
We attract mosquitos, from the colors we wear to the amount of carbon dioxide we exhale. Pregnancy and exercise also make us targets. Now we're learning that the microbes on our skin can attract them. A new form of protection could be through manipulating the bacteria that naturally live on our skin.
An Anti-Aging Clue
Scientists are studying an amino acid called Taurine, which has been shown to slow aging in animals. They're asking whether it does the same for us.
Pregnancy and Aging
A woman's body goes through profound changes during pregnancy and now we're learning that pregnancy speeds up aging possibly by 2 years. It means regardless of your chronological age, a woman's biological age could be impacted by her diet, lifestyle, stress levels, and pregnancy.
A Possible Future HIV Cure
Even though HIV is no longer the death sentence it was in the 1970s and 1980s, it's also incurable. Medications control the disease for the rest of an infected person's life. But now a gene editing advance may be able to inactivate the virus hiding within the body's immune cells.