A Medical Look at the Iceman Ötzi


More Information

Initial Genetic Analysis Reveals Iceman 'tzi Predisposed to Cardiovascular Disease
ScienceDaily — In a paper appearing in Nature Communications, researchers report new findings about physiognomy, ethnic origin and predisposition towards illness of the world's oldest glacier mummy.

Frozen mummy's genetic blueprints unveiled
ScienceNews — Studies of 'tzi's frozen remains have revealed a trove of information about his life and death 5,300 years ago, including a re-creation of what he looked like, left.

New insights into the Tyrolean Iceman's origin and phenotype as inferred by whole-genome sequencing
Original Nature Communications paper about recent discoveries learned from 'tzi's genome.

'tzi the Iceman and the Sardinians
From this Discovery Magazine article: "'tzi seems to resemble most closely the people of Sardinia. [...] It is interesting that Sardinians have remained moored to their genetic past, enough so that a 5,300 year old individual clearly can exhibit affinities with them."